Fondazione Franceschi Fondazione Franceschi ONLUS

Per la terapia, la ricerca e la formazione in psicologia

Personalità Giuridica Privata con Decreto del Presidente Regione Toscana n°4629, del 28/09/2009





European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA) Conference 2013


Nei giorni 27-29 Settembre 2013 la Fondazione Franceschi ha partecipato al convegno organizzato dall'European Brief Therapy Association, che si è svolto a Berna, Svizzera.



In questa occasione il dott. Gianluca Ciuffardi ha presentato una comunicazione orale, dal titolo Resolving Stories. Creative language, storytelling and Solution Focused Therapy. Tale comunicazione ha illustrato il lavoro svolto all'interno di uno dei progetti di ricerca condotti dalla Fondazione.

Presentazione 2


Resolving Stories. Creative language, storytelling and Solution Focused Therapy


The main purpose of the project “Psychological support service” is the application of the model of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) into Italian school context. We improved and developed the students’ expressive and communicative skills, while motivating them to attend school not only as a place where they can learn various abilities and concepts, but also as a resource with which they can build their personal identity. We have integrated the specific SFBT techniques with the storytelling and the creative expre ssion. Several students said that the use of metaphors has helped them to better understand some aspects of their problems. This let them apply solutions that seemed to work better in different situations. Coping skills to deal with the difficulties have b een strengthened, increasing their self - esteem.

